Wednesday, April 2, 2014

In the Beginning: The History of Women in Computing

In the Beginning:  The History of Women in Computing
When we hear the words invention, achievement, and or accomplishment, we may automatically associate or relate these words that seem to indicate that success, on some level, has been attained as a direct result of, and we, or our society in general, tend to pair these words or themes, with men, perhaps because of their perceived dominance. Men run corporations, so to hear of a woman running the helm, could be seen as quite ambiguous.  

Throughout history, women have played very important roles relative to aiding in establishing and or protecting our very existence.  During World War II, women manged and programmed the first computing systems.  Opposite to more difficult sciences, the first users and programmers of computers were predominantly female.  However, many milestones and achievements reached by early women pioneers in computing have been ignored and omitted, purposely, primarily based on the fact that historically, women's contributions were seen as being less than worthy, therefore, the wasn't a need to recognize.


  1. Great topic! I did not know that World War ll the turing point for women and was when women FIRST started to use computing systems..

  2. WOW! You know when ever I think of computing systems, I think of men and their video games! But that is awesome and very empowering to realize one of the most important times in our history WOMEN where the ones to work with Computer systems!!
